Tag Archives: rugby teams

Rowan Rugby Gets Irish

6 Oct

Photo taken by Ashley-Marie Monica.

The first biggest Rugby Country in the world is New Zealand followed by Ireland as the second biggest.  Rowan Rugby is in the process of planning a trip to Dublin, Ireland.  For over a year, head coach, Curt Gruber, has wanted and been trying to get the team to go on this trip.  Gruber wants them to have the experience of playing and practicing with Rugby teams of Ireland.  This will be a great benefit to Rowan Rugby because they can enhance their skills on the field from training with these players.  They will also be participating in games against some of the teams in Ireland and other teams that are headed to Dublin for this experience as well.

This week, 22 of the rugby players handed in five hundred dollars to their coach as a down payment.  The expense of the whole trip will be approximately two thousand dollars for each player.  They are going next semester during spring break in March 2013.  Coach Gruber plans to have the team stay in Ireland for about eight to nine days.  They will also get to experience the sites in Dublin.